As an academic with an extensive industry background in the areas of marketing research and digital marketing, my teaching philosophy is oriented toward bridging the gap between theory and practice. The education paradigm is continuously changing, and practical knowledge is becoming more and more important. This is especially the case for business and marketing students who are now expected to enter the job market with theoretical knowledge and a substantial set of practical and applied skills.
My goal as a teacher is to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience, to make them interested, involved, and active participants in the classroom, not only passive recipients of knowledge. My lectures are based on two-way communication with students with a strong experiential learning component. I also consider somewhat different learning habits of the youth, so I integrate various technology tools and software in the classroom to increase the overall learning experience. Additionally, I strive to include industry visits, field trips, or guest lecturers in all my marketing classes to familiarize students with the most recent industry trends and practices.
Considering the importance of soft skills for their future careers, I pay special attention to developing soft skills. When appropriate, I integrate project and practical work as a central component of the assessment. I continuously try to transfer my enthusiasm and love for discipline to my students and provide them with practical insights and examples from my industry experience. In my marketing classes, I also include micro-credentials as a part of the assessment, providing my students with the opportunity to gain additional skills and credentials during their studies. Moreover, in all my research-based classes, as a part of the coursework, students conduct research projects that often result in full research papers or reports. As a result, some of my students could publish the research conducted in class and even receive the best paper awards at international conferences.
As a teacher, my main goal is to provide my students with a positive and interactive learning experience and a supportive atmosphere in the classroom while maintaining high expectations and standards in assessment.
Courses taught
Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Marketing Research
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Marketing in Digital Environment
Special Topics in Marketing
Business Analytics and Strategic Intelligence
Marketing and International Business
E-commerce and International trade
Contemporary Topics in Management
Psychology and History of Marketing
New Media Psychology
Marketing Concepts
Business Statistics
Statistics and Quantitative Analysis